Virgin, Rejoice!
Sacred texts, prayers, spiritual hymns, generated by eternity, bring a sense of eternity to the human soul. This feeling permeates the best works of Eastern Orthodox music: from medieval chant to the present day. In my own sacred music, I am always trying to preserve this precious tradition.

Rejoice, Holy Virgin
Rejoice The Meek, filled with Light
Bestow the Joy upon the mourning
Quench the lament of our repentance
Mother of Jesus, Radiance of Light
Glory of the Universe,
Rejoice, Tsarina of the World
Rejoice, Mother of God
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Rejoice, Mother of God
Rejoice, Ocean of Grace
Rejoice, Cloud of Light
Glory of the Universe
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
This composition is performed by two choirs: one is located in front of the church and the other is in the balcony or choir loft, symbolizing the Earth and the Heavens. The word pronounced on Earth soars up to the heavenly hights, reflects from it and, filled with new, deeper meaning, returns back to Earth.
Of all the precious images in this prayer, the one which struck me the most was the comparison of the Virgin with a cloud of light. Similarly to light, the innermost value of sound is its wave nature and absence of physical mass. Therefore, light easily transforms into sound, just as sound transforms into light. The dialogue between the Earth and the Heaven is shrouded in a shining sonic cloud, which, like eternity, germinates out of nothing, expanding and growing to embrace space and time.